Optimizing Online Registration Process for FunAging - an Elderly Educational Service
Play Design Lab
Designers / Creators / Authors / Leaders
Ting Han Chen; Aalto University Finland

FunAging is an educational brand in Taiwan offering smartphone app courses for the elderly. New courses’ registration information was disseminated via LINE, a widely used social app in Taiwan among the elderly. But few can successfully register a course without calling for help, as the LINE’s UI is not elderly-friendly enough. How might we optimize the design of online course registration process for a better service experience for the elderly?
In this project, we started by reviewing the overall registration process to identify key UX problems and obstacles that prevents the elderly from successfully registering a course. A set of systematic design diagnosis clarifies the design issues, with insightful design deliverables, to make the whole service experience more fluent and effective.
With corresponding elderly-first design prescriptions, a new service workflow is implemented, with user interface and design artifacts remodeled. In the end, the percentage of elderly calling for help during the registration process has been decreased from 20% to 0 after a few iterations in a very short period.