You can hardly open a current affairs platform or online news without being confronted with the need for more care in our societies. The population on average is getting older, there are more children being diagnosed with behavioural issues, there is a disturbing acceleration in the number of deprived families. All of these factors call for designing more natural care into our lives and our surroundings.

Added to this, come the more clearly defined areas of care such as in clinics and hospitals where the quality of care is always under scrutiny. These areas of permanent care, temporary and short terms care, all now need an increase in inventiveness and innovation. The field of care innovation is a really wide spectrum and for this reason, the GDA Design for Care Award is established. Inventiveness and new thinking in the design of care can embrace many different disciplines. Planning, organisation, staffing and patient intersaction is at one level. Care products that make life easier for carers and care-receivers are of equal weight.

The design of care is a paramount field. New concepts, new thinking and new design in care all need to be recognised for the huge impact they make. If you have participated in a development of this kind in care, then don't hesitate in applying for the GDA Design for Care Award. The topic is a wide one. It can be the strategic design or an organisation or even just a new device in hospitals. Send in your ideas, products and concepts. They are all welcome. The deadline is the 9th of July at 9.00 am.

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