For many millions of people, the global pandemic has been a catastrophe. But from the ashes of the tragedy, a whole harvest of new-thinking has seen the light of day. For one thing, we have all been surprised by how well we could adapt to using our smart phones and mobile devices in much more beneficial ways. The delightful paradox of our mobile phones and on-the-go bits and bobs is that we don't have to be mobile and we don't have to be on-the-go. We can still be in one place and still get things done, hold meetings and so on.

You can say that the corona crisis has demonstrated that the smart aspect of our phones and tablets is that the smartness lies not only in the tech but in how smart we can use them. Online meetings, work from home, avoiding driving to meetings has brought us huge benefits in time saved. As an extra bonus, we have saved energy too and reduced our levels of transport pollution. So mobile tech works both ways.

New apps, new mobile devices, new software and new thinking on how we can use smart mobile tech in even smarter ways is what the GDA Mobile Tech award has created to highlight. If you have the right product or the right app or the right idea then apply now - no matter if your project is an actual finished product, or a prototype or if it is still in planning form. Every idea and concept helps to move us all forward. Apply today. The deadline is the 9th of March at 09.00 Universal Time.

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