As its title suggests, the DESIGN FOR CARE AWARD rewards those products and services that bring support and solace to those members of our society who need aid in some way. That can be physical products or processes or even ways of organising communication. It can also cover many age groups and situations. We all need some help along the way and sometimes in our lives from early age and onwards.

Care in society also carries with it a paradox. To provide care on a wide scale we often erect large organisations or institutions. These frequently become distant from the actual intended people they were supposed to help. So some of the design in care comes from giving our weaker citizens the means to support themselves as far as possible. Giving people the dignity of being independent is also a way of caring.

Are there products or services that do that? Send in an application.
The deadline for the DESIGN FOR CARE AWARD is the 9th of July at 09.00 UTC - Coordinated Universal Time

We hope, together with you, we can make a better planet.

#GivingPeopleTheDignityOfBeingIndependentIsAlsoAWayOfCaring #WeAllNeedSomeHelpAlongTheWayInOurLives #GivingOurWeakerCitizensTheMeansToSupportThemselves #TogetherWithYouWeMakeABetterPlanet #AtGiveMenneskerDenVærdighedAtVæreUafhængigeErOgsåEnMådeAtBekymreSigOm #ViHarAlleBrugForHjælpUndervejsIVoresLiv #AtGiveVoresSvagereBorgereMidlerTilAtForsørgeSigSelv #SammenMedDigGørViEnBedrePlanet #人々に自立することの尊厳を与えることは思いやりのある方法でもあります #私たちは皆人生の途中で助けを必要としています #私たちの弱い市民に彼ら自身をサポートする手段を与える #あなたと一緒に私たちはより良い惑星を作ります #HowToImproveYourCV #GetTheCertificateThatWillHelpYouAdvanceInYourCareer #CarbonNeutral2050 #PostPandemic #NewWorldNewNormalNewBeginning #SådanForbedrerDuDitCV #FåCertifikatetDerVilHjælpeDigVidereIDinKarriere #国際デザイン賞 #あなたの履歴書を改善する方法 #キャリアアップに役立つ証明書を取得してください #カーボンニュートラル2050 #GDAawards #GreatDesignAwards #ネットゼロ2050 #DesignForCareAward