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Designs that convey the values of your brand

Designs that catch the eye on supermarket shelves.

Designs that protect in transit.

Designs that convey the values of your brand.

Designs that match their contents.

Design that is safe and not dangerous when used unintentionally.

Design that is impressive to receive.

Design that is a joy and an experience to open.

Design that can be re-used for other purposes.

Design that is sustainable.

Design that is environmentally responsible.

Designs that convey the values of your brand

Packaging design has to do it all. And that is why GDA has included PACKAGING DESIGN has a separate discipline in itself. PACKING DESIGN includes a complexity of form and performance that is difficult to grasp. Getting all right in a single design almost always needs recognition.

Designs that convey the values of your brand

The GDA PACKAGING DESIGN AWARDS therefore are aimed at innovative ideas, materials, applications and concepts from around the world. It can anything from the classical packaging form of packing 6 eggs - onwards to the more demanding types of smart technology that has to arrive at the user in an impressive and safe way.

The deadline for the PACKAGING DESIGN AWARD is the 9th of August at 09.00 UTC - Coordinated Universal Time

Designs that convey the values of your brand

We hope, together with you, we can make a better planet.


#DesignsThatConveyTheValuesOfYourBrand #CatchTheEyeOnSupermarketShelves #TogetherWithYouWeMakeABetterPlanet #DesignsDerFormidlerDitBrandsVærdier #FåØjePåSupermarkedernesHylder #SammenMedDigGørViEnBedrePlanet #あなたのブランドの価値を伝えるデザイン #スーパーマーケットの棚に目を引く #あなたと一緒に私たちはより良い惑星を作ります #HowToImproveYourCV #GetTheCertificateThatWillHelpYouAdvanceInYourCareer #CarbonNeutral2050 #PostPandemic #NewWorldNewNormalNewBeginning #SådanForbedrerDuDitCV #FåCertifikatetDerVilHjælpeDigVidereIDinKarriere #国際デザイン賞 #あなたの履歴書を改善する方法 #キャリアアップに役立つ証明書を取得してください #カーボンニュートラル2050 #GDAawards #GreatDesignAwards #ネットゼロ2050 #GDA賞 #COP26Glasgow #PackagingDesignAward


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